Monday, March 23, 2009


Kind of a lame title of a post, but I'm exercising the principle of "if you don't have anything nice to say..." . That's how I feel about most of today after a "mishap" in the studio. But, enough about that and on to the food portion of the day.

I had intended on making the lentil soup my friend sent me a recipe for, but only could muster up a half assed attempt at it because I kinda forgot to eat today. I managed to saute some onion and carrot and pour some veggie stock over them before dumping in a package of pre-cooked beluga lentils. Maybe not my most whole hearted attempt, but it was still better than canned soup in my book.

Lame-day lentil soup refuse. Photo by Kristin
The day got better after I ran some stairs and went to my friend's house for dinner. She has a goal this week of cooking only with the things she has on hand. We had ravioli with meat sauce and a fabulous spinach salad filled with fruit and nuts. My task was to bring things to round out the salad(fruit and nuts) and some wine. Everything was so simple but so delicious too.

Fabulous red counter! Photo by Kristin
That's her kitchen counter above. I loooove the red laminate!

Girl's night 1 photo by Krisitn
And two photos of our girls night date dinner. We liked both pictures so why not show them both? ( She teaches music to elementary school kids and the flowers are from one of her students. So cute!)

Girl's night 2 photo by Kristin
She asked me for suggestions on what to make the rest of the week with what she had in her kitchen and we came up with a possible weekly feature--"What's in Sarah's Pantry?" It makes sense since the last post was about and item in J's pantry. Let me ponder a bit on that, but I'll probably give it a go! This is not a new idea--I've heard it on The Splendid Table on the radio where people call in with random things they have and the host has to think of something on the spot. I guess this can be my version of that. Send me a list of things you need to use and I'll see what I can come up with!

ps thanks again for dinner pretty lady!

1 comment:

Janice La Verne said...

i love the food blog. i feel like it's helping me eat better by thinking more about food.

last night we went to the hari krishna resturant. i had mushy, yummy food and great salad.

your dinner looks great, it's inspiring me.