Saturday, September 19, 2009


Collage of some of this week's by Kristin
Earlier this week I picked up a few slow cooker cook books at the library. I really had to sort through them to come up with some ideas of my own on how to use one(I will not use condensed cream of mushroom soup). The chicken from the last post turned out well. It fell right off the bone and shredded nicely for some chicken tacos--the "oops" photo. I forgot to take photos before we finished them off. We got three more meals out of some of the leftover chicken. I used it to make a tamale loaf if you will. Basically one giant tamale and no corn husks to wrap--you just slice and serve. That was really delicious.
I'm trying to decide what should be next up for the slow's almost soup weather so maybe something along those lines.
The last two photos are from today's breakfast, but this dish is great anytime, even cold and uses up leftover bits in the fridge. It's a fried rice inspired frittata. I basically dump in a bowl: veggies, leftover rice or pasta, sesame oil and soy sauce and a few eggs to hold it together. Then I spread it out in a pan, cook, flip, cook and eat.

That's it for tonight!

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