Sunday, May 17, 2009

Learning Curve

Life is boring if you're not actively learning something, right? So is the theme for this post.
In the first example, it's not so much what I made to eat, but how I played with the photography. I made french toast with homemade apple syrup.
To digress a little, I had a baguette and some apples that were almost past their time and no maple syrup in the house. For the syrup, I dissolved about 1/4c. honey, 1/2 c. brown sugar, a bit of lemon zest, 1 star anise, 1/2 stick cinnamon, a pinch of salt, a grind of black pepper into about a cup of boiling water(in a pot, on the stove). Once the sweeteners were dissolved, I added two sliced and cored apples. They were pretty small, so use one big one instead if that's what you have. I simmered this until the apples were soft, maybe 10 minutes. Then I strained the apples out and let the syrup simmer until it reduced and was a little more concentrated. The consistency will not be like corn syrup, but more watery like some maple syrups. I used the syrup and the apples to top basic french toast.
The learning part came "post-production" or as part of the "photo-processing".

"Shopped" french toast with apple a collaborative effort by Kristin and T.
My dearest took the photos of this endeavor. Honestly, I wasn't even thinking of it for a post, but he was so excited(as he tends to be about dishes with apples) he deemed it "blog-worthy" and snapped a couple of frames. I decided these photos would be a good opportunity to experiment with a newly learned Photoshop skill. To anyone fluent in the program, it may seem beginner-ish. I have taught myself a bit here and there through experimentation and Google, but recently, I found a resource that will send me a new tip every week. Last week's was "depth of field". I just realized that I am not prepared to explain what this means. So, I'm not going to since this is about food and not photography. Just know that I learned something new! And with learning something new, there are lots of mistakes to be made. And to continue the cliche, that's how you learn right? I guess what I'm saying is the photo above was a first attempt at this something new.

Ok then, moving on to more learning...

Birthday by Krisitn
For my birthday this week, I recieved a healthy sized basil plant. I know it needs to be repotted, but other than that, HELP! What kind of soil? What size pot? Can I keep it inside? (we have tons of sunlight in the kitchen) I'd like to keep it inside if I can since I recently found out a neighbor lets her dog out to pee in our communal garden. I'd also like to try to grow italian parsley, cilantro and maybe chives. I'd be open to more, bit I figured focusing on the ones I'd used the most would be a good starting place.

The floor is open people! Learn me some herb knowledge:)

1 comment:

Janice La Verne said...

wow... tonight I feel smart, I know what depth of field is and how to grow basil.

Heat and light equals good basil. Let the soil dry some between watering. Too much water will turn basil plants black and mushy. That and lots of pinching back. Every time you pinch back a stem two new stems grow from that spot.

Soil? I would use any outdoor organic potting mix. I do know basil can grow indoors, the more light the better. You will know if you don't have enough light because it won't do well. The size of the pot depends on how much basil you want to grow. For your uses I would start with a gallon size container. you can go smaller, you just can't harvest as much.

And the apple french toast looked so good I just wanted to eat it right now. oh, you are a cheffeta.

hooray, i love giving garden tips