Monday, May 25, 2009

more words, less photos...

Peaches and by Kristin
...for this post. I am very behind on my posts and you can thank Mr. Sun for that. During the winter, I eat, drink, sleep--well that's what I do all winter. When the sun comes out, and I have a new bike, eating, drinking, sleeping mean something else. So, I hope you can follow and roll with this shift. It might mean fewer posts overall, but after i.m'ing(instant messaging) with my friend Asmara the other night(holler!) I now have some ideas for filler on those days when I don't have much else to say. Maybe sort of a series of posts about basics. Take for instance this weekend. On Thurs. night I roasted a chicken, and eggplant and blanched some green beans. Guess what we had for dinner the last three nights? That's not to make it sound boring. A simple thing done well is worth eating three nights in a row. After a day of biking, pulling a cold chicken out of the fridge and serving it with veggies, good bread, plenty of mayo mixed with dijon mustard(the magic) and a rose wine is not only easy, but amazing. So amazing that I should italicize and bold But maybe not really interesting fodder for more than one post. But...
...This is clearly a case when a little forethought goes a long way. When I roast a chicken, the options are almost endless. Chicken: salad, quesadillas, tortilla soup, Vietnamese sandwiches, pasta, pasta name a few. So, a basic recipe that goes a long, long way.
That may be the theme for this summer. Forethought. Taking one or two days to make a few things to have later in the week. So you don't have to worry about what's for dinner(or lunch). So you can minimize cooking in the hot weather and take advantage of the produce that is so plentiful this time of year. I've mentioned recently cooking a huge batch of beans and then freezing them. I've also taken to ordering an extra dozen eggs to hard boil and keep in the fridge. They've proven to be good in rounding out the hubby's lunch for work, which are most often leftovers, and are a great thing for me to grab to take to the studio.
Speaking of forethought, I need a day to collect my thoughts and do one or two posts about stocking a pantry and cooking meathods that are budget friendly and make for quick/good/healthy meals. These would be for Asmara and Mona, new readers to Chefetta.
Until then...

1 comment:

Janice La Verne said...

apricots... those are so beautiful. They remind me of California and they are so fragile and you only get them once a year.

are there any yummy, health, grain, or bean salads hiding out in your head? Don't worry about fulfilling my requests, I am a needy soul when it comes to fixing food.