Monday, June 15, 2009

Summer evening

Yay! We bought a gas grill yesterday. Hopefully this will cut down on complaints of how hot our kitchen is:)
I tried something really new for me tonight and am really happy with the results.

Garden grilling by Kristin
First, was a beverage for grilling, a new favorite of mine: white port with cucumber, strawberries and mint, with sparkling mineral water. The strawberries and mint were picked fresh from the garden.
Tonight's venture, tandoori chicken, required a little planning ahead--for overnight marinading--but turned out to be less involved than I thought. I picked up about 3.5lbs. of chicken thighs, skinned them and pricked them several times with a fork. Then I mixed up a "tandoori paste" (recipe below) and covered the chicken with this mixture and placed it, covered, in the fridge until I was ready to grill tonight.

Tandoori chicken on the by Kristin
"Tandoori" refers to the clay oven used in India, but a grill works almost as well. From what I've read, this can also be made in the oven, but as a last resort. Before you're ready to grill, pull the chicken out and let it sit about 20-30 mins to come to room temperature. Then, shake off excess marinade and grill as usual--about 30-40 mins or until juices run clear.

To accompany tonight's chicken, I made a ceci(chickpea) flat bread and a cucumber and onion salad. A tip for raw onions: Soak or rinse in cold water for a few minutes. This takes some of the bite out of them. I used my mandolin to make strips of cucumber to match the slices of onion and tossed it all with lemon zest, lemon juice and cilantro(also from our garden and optional if you don't like cilantro). YUMMM. It was really good. I had seconds on the chicken--a rarity for me. We will be seeing this again this summer!

Tandoori Chicken
~3-3.5lbs. chicken pieces, skinned and pricked all over with a fork. I recommend dark meat because it will stay more moist. If you want to use white meat, shorten the cooking time. Also, taking the skin off is important so the marinade gets good and in there(with the help of the holes from the fork)
~1 cup full fat the real thing whole milk yogurt. This is non-negotiable! Low fat and/or no fat doesn't work with the high heat of the grill. Unless you like curdled yogurt.
~juice from two limes(or lemon in a pinch)
~2-3 Tbs. fresh grated ginger (tip: peel ginger root and keep in freezer in a freezer bag. It makes it a breeze to grate w/ a micro plane)
~2 tsp. salt
~2 Tbs. garam masala
~1 tsp. turmeric(optional--for coloring)
~1 tsp. paprika(optional--for coloring)
~cayenne pepper--to taste or omit

In a non-reactive container with a lid, mix all ingredients together and completely cover chicken, making sure to thoroughly work it into the chicken. Cover and refrigerate at least over night, but not more than two days. Remember to remove from fridge about a half hour before putting on the grill. I recommend a med high to high heat grill. Once they're on the grill, don't touch them for at least 10-15 mins. Oh, and oil the grill prior to putting the chicken on. Duh. They should be done in 30-45 mins. Serve with lemon wedges to squeeze over chicken just before eating.


Anonymous said...

Just in time for Father's Day! I'm planning on trying it. Can we have the recipe for the ceci flatbread?


Anonymous said...

Would it be too much of a good thing to put hummus on the ceci flat bread? With lots of garlic, or fresh basil...

I'm going to try it - I'll let you know!
