Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Catch-up (ha-ha, there's no ketchup in this post)

If it seems like I've been neglecting my food blog, it's only because the weather in Seattle is getting a little better and I try to soak up as much of it as I can.

Yesterday was a busy day in my kitchen though. I did a morning run to the store to pick up some items for the pantry, cleaned out the fridge and freezer, made hummus and curried ceci snacks, soaked and cooked a gazillion cannelini beans to freeze and decided to make biscotti. I think I saw them being made on a cooking show recently.

Hazelnut and dark chocolate chunk biscotti...photo by Kristin
They were pretty simple to make: whole wheat flour, flour, salt, baking powder, eggs, hazelnuts, and dark chocolate chunks. I didn't even have to break out the mixer. They were comforting this morning with my coffee as it was a little cool and overcast when I woke up.

Have you ever tried making baked eggs? They're great for when you don't want to be standing over the stove scrambling/frying/poaching. I made them on Sunday for our brunch, but they definitely would be a satisfying lunch or dinner.

Baked eggs...photo by Kristin
As a base, I made a hash of bacon, potatoes, asparagus, leeks and peas. Start by rendering the bacon and then remove it from the pan. Add diced potatoes and leeks and when they're almost finished, toss in some sliced asparagus and peas and the bacon(after crumbling it a bit). Or, skip the bacon part and use a little olive oil and/or butter. The potatoes brown better if you stir them around only every once and a while. I let them do their thing while cleaning up around the kitchen a little. At this point, you can let everything cool a little, or use right away. Preheat oven to 400. In an oven safe bowl(for individual servings) or a shallow baking dish, put a layer of the hash on the bottom. Pour in just a little cream maybe 1-2 TBLS. (optional, but sooo tasty). Crack two eggs for each serving on top. Place bowls in a shallow dish with hot water that comes halfway up the sides of the bowls. Carefully place this in the oven and cook until the eggs are set. I start checking after about 20 mins. Five minutes before they're done sprinkle some shredded cheese of your choice over the top. Be careful taking them out when they're done too! To remove the bowls from the dish with water, I use a large spatula to get under the bowl and some tongs to grab onto a side. And I really take my time transferring them to a plate. Serve warm.

I didn't forget the roast chicken from the last post... I really need to do this more often. I've just been putting the whole chicken on the table, cold, so we can take little bits to have with whatever. Roasted veggies, chunks of good bread, served with pasta. It's such a great no brainer for busy weeknights. My new favorite combo is dijon mustard mixed with a little mayo to dip chicken and veggies in.

Rost chicken...photo by Kristin
You could also heat up some of the leftovers to make tacos and pasta dishes etc...

I wanted to mention the ceci snacks, but I have to run. Next post....


Anonymous said...

So how do you make biscotti? Can I do it without nuts? I don't think I've ever seen one without almonds or hazelnuts...

You know nuts and I don't get along.. :)

Janice La Verne said...

i recognize your mom above!!!

ok... this all sounds good except i would leave the eggs off. i'm not much of an egg fan unless they are scrambled and not a bit gooey or yolky runny.

now, that being said i NEED coffee milk. i do drink milk, and love soy milk or rice milk too, so could see this as my new summer obsession. So, please when you get this syrup down POST!!! I just can't handle a whole cup of coffee either, too hard on my esophagus (too much detail?)

ok... this is the best blog... wow, amazing.

love, j