Saturday, April 18, 2009

taking a page...

A few years ago, I picked up the above book second hand for maybe five bucks. I was drawn to the cover because it reminded me of my early days of art making--hanging out at my friends house, drinking wine, and making water color paintings of fruit. Her mom has one of my cherry paintings hanging in her kitchen. And I think I thought the sound of "summer cooking" just sounded maybe a little romantic or nostalgic or something. Like swimming and bug bites and late summer afternoon sun. I had an interest in cooking then, but I really didn't know what I didn't know then.
I started reading through it again this week and it's such a different book to me now than it was then. Funny how that happens.
The author wrote it in 1955, with an emphasis on local, seasonal ingredients that are quickly prepared and perfect for savoring the sun while having some great food.
I was thinking of this when I made my lunch yesterday. I saw the pretty purple, red and white radishes I had and knew that I had to put together something mentioned in the book. A chunk of baguette, some butter , sliced radishes and some salt.

Spring by Kristin

It was surprisingly delicious and took 2 minutes to make.

In the coming weeks, I hope to feature more from this great book. It just makes you want to pack a picnic basket and find a shady tree next to the water and watch the sun go down.

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