Monday, November 23, 2009


Chefetta has been quiet. Very quiet.
She has had a few things going on in the studio that have been taking up all the brain power. Take today for instance. She forgot to eat(or didn't stop to) almost all day and was experiencing that hunger delirium when the hubby came home and saved the day with pierogi's from a secret Russian deli on the east side. Yum and thanks insert-pet-name-here:) (I'm unsure as to why I've been speaking in the third person...)

I am in the final throes of Thanksgiving menu prep. It's not that I don't like turkey, but I never feel inspired by the traditional menu, and when I've tried to make it despite that, I never enjoy the process. So we have what I'm in the mood for. Last year it was cassoulet. You'll have to wait for this year's menu, as there has been some difficulty procuring some of the ingredients. Not because they are so unusual, but, well, I'm just not gonna go into the details in the spirit of the holiday and all--let's just say a purveyor is on my sh*! list now . It should all be worked out tomorrow, but I don't want to jinx it! We are having a few friends over for dinner, those whose family are in other parts, like ours are.
It's gonna be a good day and you will hear all about it soon!

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