Wednesday, August 12, 2009

bait and switch

Yay!  Some of you might be saying about a new Chefetta post. 
But, I am only here to say that I am officially not going to post for the next two weeks at least. Why the formal notice when it's been longer than that since the last post?  Only because I know this blog has been neglected and won't be getting any more attention any time soon as we're going on a technology-free vacation. No TV, no internets, cell service only when we go into town.  That may be my favorite feature of our yearly pilgrimage to the Oregon coast.  We literally unplug.  
This has been a full, full summer. A trip to see a good friend and her hubby for their 1st born's baby shower.  The subsequent on-the-fly winery and coast visit.  Bbq's, art shows, and a whole lot more.  The last two weeks or so have been a little challenging: 103 degree temps and a 150lb, hairy dog=escaping to friends out of town w/ air conditioning.  A friends birthday lunch ending in a car accident; not our fault and could have been worse, but a giant pain none the less.(see photo below)  All of this equals not a whole lotta cooking goin' on. 
So, let's just make this official and say it's summer break and Chefetta will be back soon! 
A few full summer photos below...
Pacific by Kristin
Winery that spells good in Amity, Or:) by T.
View from Left Coast Winery outside of Amity, by Kristin

Owwch.  My 2yr. old car not so new now(and with unseen structural damage and passenger whiplash!!!!!) BOOOOO!!!!!!!!

*ps, After re-reading this a few times, it occurred to me that my mom might give me crap for saying "a winery that spells good".  This was an intentional grammatical error because when I poke fun at things, I usually intentionally mis-speak in the overall jest-ing and having fun. 
In this case, most people spell my name wrong, but this sign has it spelled the same way my momma done named me.  See--there I go again... 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your momma approves!
