Friday, June 12, 2009

Delegating and reminicing...

This has not been the first, nor the last time I will post how hot our kitchen is this time of year. I say it now as the impetus for our dinner this evening--delegating to others the task of feeding us, but somehow different than going out to dinner. I went to the farmers market (every Fri. during the summer a half block from our house) and found a few highly delicious things that required no cooking.

"deliciously delegated dinner" by Krisitn not as staged as usual(too hot and hungry) to make a "blog photo", but in retrospect, not too bad?
Pork and lamb pate, made from livestock that were pasture fed their whole life on Vashon Island. Aged goats milk cheese, hand produced using organic and sustainable means in the Snoqualmie Valley. Olive and herb artisan bread from a local bakery. I supplemented with a salad and some of my favorite olives and a bottle of white wine. Sometimes it pays off to delegate a few things to outside sources. So much so, that this may be the new summer Friday night eats--varied of course to the ebb and flow of the market.

And kinda sorta food related...
It was ten years ago that I decided to take the plunge and be an artist and go to art school. A part of leading up to that decision was painting watercolors of fruit while drinking a bottle of wine with my then new friend Liz. Now Liz and I have been friends for ten years and we're both still artists. We haven't painted fruit still life's in a long time, but have been meaning to do it this summer as a kind of anniversary activity. I kinda got a head start and did one in the studio yesterday...

"back in the day plums from yesterday" and painting by Kristin
* post published edit:
after reading the first paragraph, it seems more like a stream of conscious thoughts than something written for intended readers. Sorry. Is it hard to follow? Please say if that is so. I so desperately don't want to be that artist that says"I can only communicate via imagery" and realize that it's something that I have to work on . This blog helps me do just that. So your feedback is really helpful. Thank you with kisses!
pps. so I've changed a few things three times now after the initial "publishing" How do you see that? Do you see each of the new "publishes?" Tell me!


Anonymous said...

I did notice the change in spelling... I think you do just fine. I also think I still have one of the cherry pictures you did years ago.


Janice La Verne said...

ok... this post made me cry. i love that you and L have been friends this long and that I get to be a part of it. and like your mom I remember those cherry paintings and the person who did them.

i love you and you are amazing.